Thursday, September 6, 2012

Random Post!!

Well for my random post, I’m going to talk about Brandon. I am writing about him because, I really don't know what else to talk about. So there's this guy in my class named Brandon Hargrave. He sits next to me in my 2nd period class. He’s very tall, well taller than me. He has blonde hair and light blue eyes. He calls himself "swagg daddy and he says he's the "boss." He always brings Bojangles for lunch. He says it’s not his favorite type of food but it’s the closest thing to his house. When he opens his book bag its smells like food; sometimes I think it’s him who smells like that but he says it’s his book bag.

I think I met him last year, I don’t remember. He was in almost all my classes last year. Now this year, He’s still in almost all my classes.
I enjoy talking to him when I’m bored, because he always has something to talk about. He’s one of my best guy friends. He’s usually always saying lyrics of songs and hearing music on the bus.  He can be weird at times. He says random things all the time.  But I guess you can say he’s a good friend. He makes me laugh, well sometimes; because he can be lame. When we’re in the bus and he starts listening to music, he does weird faces. But they look funny. The faces he does look kind of slow.
As you can see in the picture he does those types of faces.  So he’s a very special friend. Oh trust me, he’s unique. 


  1. What a good idea for a random entry when you can't think of anything else!

  2. Yeah i didn't know what to talk about in the blog, so he gave the idea to talk about him.
